NBA Player Chance Comanche and Harnden Face Murder Charges in Vegas Arrests.

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According to recently revealed court documents, Chance Comanche, a player in the NBA G League, has reportedly admitted to law enforcement officials that he strangled a woman and subsequently buried her body in a desert location in Nevada.

According to the documents, investigators from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department conducted several interviews and discovered that Chance Comanche and his ex-girlfriend, Sakari Harnden, were involved in the disappearance of Marayna Rodgers. During their conversation with Comanche, he admitted to being responsible for her death.

According to officials, Chance Comanche arrived in Las Vegas on December 4 to participate in a G League game with the Stockton Kings. Shortly after, he and Harnden allegedly devised a plan to harm Rodgers due to a previous dispute between the women.

According to the documents, officers claim that Comanche told them he and Harnden had enticed Rodgers to meet them on December 6 under the pretense of offering payment for sexual acts.According to the cops, Comanche told them that they got Rodgers into a car. Then, they went to a nearby liquor store to pick up a bottle of booze. It seems like they made it appear as though they would have intercourse with her inside the car. That’s really messed up.

According to the documents, Comanche confessed to the authorities that he used an HDMI cord to strangle Rodgers for approximately 10 seconds. He claimed to have released his grip, but the police state that he informed them that Harnden continued to choke her until she lost consciousness.

Tragically, officials say that once they believed Rodgers was deceased, they disposed of her body in a ditch and covered it with rocks.

Comanche was apprehended on December 15 while he was engaged in practice with the Kings. The team subsequently released him later that same day. Initially, he was charged with kidnapping, but officials later announced that he would face formal charges of murder.

The 27-year-old, 6-foot-10 center, who had only played in one NBA game, made an appearance in court in Sacramento County on Tuesday. Reports suggest that he appeared stoic during the proceedings. Interestingly, he indicated that he would not contest extradition. As a result, it is anticipated that he will be transported to Vegas in the upcoming days. It’s quite a series of events unfolding, isn’t it?

Regarding Harnden, she was arrested on December 13 in Vegas and is currently facing a murder charge, according to officials. It’s a serious matter that they are dealing with, and the legal process will determine the outcome.

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