VON MILLER SPEAKS OUT ON ARREST! Denies Domestic Violence Allegations as ‘Completely Unfounded’

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Von Miller Addresses Allegations of Domestic Violence Arrest, Affirming Their Falsity

Buffalo Bills star Von Miller took the opportunity to provide a comprehensive account of events during a press conference that lasted over 10 minutes. He sought to clarify the circumstances surrounding his recent arrest on charges of domestic violence, vehemently refuting the allegations leveled against him as entirely baseless. In defiance of the accusations made against him, Miller adamantly asserted, “All of it is incorrect. All of it is untrue.” He reiterated this stance throughout his address while firmly denying any physical altercation with his girlfriend.

The incident in question reportedly involved an altercation during a bye-week in Dallas, where Miller was alleged to have mistreated his pregnant girlfriend. His vocal denial directly contradicted the claims made by his girlfriend, who allegedly reported to a 911 operator that Miller had physically assaulted her, including choking, hitting, and pulling her hair, resulting in visible bruises and blood.

However, Miller persistently asserted the falsehood of these allegations, asserting, “Never in any of my relationships that I’ve been in, never in my current relationship with my girlfriend, did any of those things happen.”

Despite the ongoing investigation and absence of criminal charges, Miller has been permitted to continue playing for the Bills.

He expressed optimism that the truth would come to light, stating, “All I can say is it’s just a matter of time before everything gets set straight.” Miller also addressed the status of his relationship with his girlfriend, asserting that “Everything is normal” and attributing the incident to a singular, chaotic episode.

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